75 in 9 hours ain’t bad.
Elapsed time
9h 40m
Avg. speed
Moving time
Max. speed
-- kts
The motoring to pulling and dropping anchor is really f$)&ing with my avg speed. But I’m like should I maximise for that or nm travelled…??? I think nm travelled will be the most important in the long run. This will be my logbook for sure and how I will boast when I’m a grandpa. Most recent trip. 15.7 knots with Elayna on the helm was the top speed of the day. All the “good” (professional) footage is on the big camera which we keep for YT so these are all just fun pics i take on the way.
Sep 6, 2024 - Sep 6, 2024
Boat & Crew
La Vagabonde
Rapido Trimarans