Upwind slog.
Elapsed time
11h 50m
Avg. speed
Moving time
Max. speed
-- kts
TWS Min 8 Max 22 Spent a lot of the day doing 8’s and 9’s in 14 pointing really high. Tacking at sub 90 degrees all day long felt great. We’re doing things I never thought possible. Top speed 13.6 AWA was an avg of 33 Full main and full Genoa the whole time. Started at 5am finished at 6 so it was a big day. Anchor fell off the front and caused a bit of damage which was a bad mistake. I’ll need to bog some of that up. A lot to consider and learn and a lot accomplished. Feel great.
Mar 23, 2024 - Mar 24, 2024
Boat & Crew
La Vagabonde
Rapido Trimarans