First Ever Sailing Trip ME ➡️MA
Elapsed time
1d 2h 32m
Avg. speed
Moving time
1d 2h 32m
Max. speed
-- kts
A lobster trap brought Brian and I together. He got a trap caught on his prop and had to get hauled out for a quick fix that unfortunately (or fortunately for me??) turned into a much larger job when the keel broke off during haul out… Anyways after only a few weeks of knowing him, he invited me to sail out of Portland with him to Nantucket. Some how I managed to get a week off of work and make it happen. We stopped in Rockport Ma the first night and then made it to Nantucket the next, it was late October and pretty chilly and no tourists just the locals. We had a great time, we even made it over to Martha’s Vineyard for 1 night and stayed on @leewelch ‘s dock before we said goodbye to Lost and took the ferry back to Mass and the land route back to Maine, much shorter but significantly less fun.
Edgartown Harbor, Edgartown, Dukes County, MA, USA
Oct 17, 2021 - Oct 18, 2021
Boat & Crew
SV Lost
Leopard, L47