Warkworth Pub to Green Bay, after lunch!
After a great lunch at the Warkworth Hotel on Saturday, the fleet of four trailer sailers headed back down the river. The return trip in a rising tide was surprising slightly more difficult, as it was harder to see the channel.
There was however one less grounding on the return trip!
Once back into the harbour, the sails were raised again.
Susie and Bella Rose said good-bye to Escargot and Sugarshack just before the harbour exit, and continued on for the long haul to Green Bay, Ponui.
Bella Rose cruised in hybrid mode to the tip of Whangaporoa, then went to full sail mode once bearing away around the peninsula. Of course, once the motor was off, Susie sailed off into the distance.
Bella Rose then buddied up with the much faster Huzzah from Rakino around to Awaawaroa Bay. Surprisingly, Bella Rose kept up better once we got around to the flat water and light winds in the Tamaki Straight. The big American lake boat maybe does not fancy the rolling ocean.
Bella Rose arrived at Green Bay about 10.30pm to be greeted by the crew of Susie swimming out to meet her.
Thanks to Allan Geddes on Huzzah for the photo of Bella Rose on Sunset.