Day 6 - WYS Barrier Cruise - Barrier return
Elapsed time
8h 44m
Avg. speed
Moving time
Max. speed
-- kts
Left early from Port Fitzroy, ahead of the main/faster fleet. Light breeze through the broken Island’s, then motor sailed a little once in the open Gulf to keep speed-up. Soon the motor was turned off, for a pleasant sail accross the notorious Colville Channel. Winds spiced up a little once I got over the channel, and started to sail down the peninsula. Started getting gusts up to 30kts off the land. We broached and rolled up a couple of times. I reefed the head sail, but that just made us super slow between gusts. Once I got away from land, we went into a dead spot, and actually motor sailed again to keep the pace up. Once Elephant Cove, I decided to set course for home a couple of days early (which was Plan A before I knew the fleet was moving down to Te Kouma) rather than follow the fleet to Te Kouma.s
Auckland, New Zealand
Nov 13, 2024 - Nov 14, 2024
Boat & Crew
Bella Rose
MacGregor, 26M