24 hour sail to a remote atoll in the Bahamas
Elapsed time
1d 6m
Avg. speed
Moving time
Max. speed
-- kts
Our plan when we first left Clarence Town was to sail to either Crooked or Acklins Islands, but ultimately decided to go 70 miles to Acklins. We sailed over Diana Bank hoping for some Tuna or Wahoo but ended up catching 3 barracuda 🥲 The next day we were planning on sailing to Hogsty Reef but when we were 10 miles from Acklins our auto pilot started randomly working again (after 12hr of hand steering) so we decided to just keep going through the night. Left Clarence Town at 4am and got to Hogsty 4am the next day. We had .5ft seas and 0-2kts of wind so we had to motor the whole time but it’s the perfect condition to visit this Atoll. The anchorage is rolllllly as hell here but worth it to see this place
The Bahamas
Aug 16, 2024 - Aug 17, 2024
Boat & Crew
Hunter, 460